@article{oai:akitan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000024, author = {開田(青山), 有希 and 小湊, 真衣 and Hirakida(Aoyama), Yuki and Kominato, Mai}, issue = {35}, journal = {秋草学園短期大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では、個別の指導計画と個別の教育支援計画を作成していない保育園における特別の支援を必要とする子どもの保育者によるクラス運営(言葉・人間関係・環境)、その子への理解、進路、相談、支援、計画についての模索や工夫を明らかにすることを目的とし、担任に質問紙およびインタビュー調査を実施した。KJ 法による分析の結果、保育者の模索や工夫について、3 つの大カテゴリー、①『クラス運営・計画』②『子ども理解・支援』③『保護者への進路・相談・支援』にまとめられた。保育者に加えクラスの子どもも人的環境という捉え方をして保育者が日々の保育にあたっていること、子どものポジティブな面に着目すること、保護者が進路について積極的である場合、保育者は見守る立場をとっていることが伺えた。, If there are some children with special needs in the class, the nursery school teachers are expected to attempt counselling and understanding them and try to define their career pathways. And they also expected to invent some special supports and make the special curriculums about word, relationship and environment to develop their abilities. In this study, the contents of supports and trials for the children with special needs are focused. And how teachers reflect these supports and trials to their “Individualized Education Program”and “Individual Program Plan”are also examined. The total of 3 nursery school teachers who support the children with special needs were interviewed and the KJ method analysis showed that the nursery school teachers have tend to base on three categories (Class management/Understanding and supporting the children/support and career counselling for parents) when they manage to understand the children and planning some support for them.There are still some significant findings, but the limits of this study were also discussed.}, pages = {102--111}, title = {特別の支援を必要とする子ども達への理解を含む進路・相談・支援・計画~言葉・人間関係・環境の視点から~}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヒラキダ(アオヤマ), ユキ and コミナト, マイ} }