@article{oai:akitan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000107, author = {塩崎, みづほ and 小口, 偉 and 長谷川, 恭子 and Shiozaki, Mizuho and Oguchi, Suguru and Hasegawa, Kyoko}, issue = {37}, journal = {秋草学園短期大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {領域「表現」に関わる総合的な活動の一環として行なった作品創作発表までの授業実践と学生の感想を、これからの保育者に求められる資質をふまえて考察し、本授業内容の効果、課題を見出す一資料とすることを目的とした。今回の授業連携、活動を通して、学生自身が表現することの楽しさを実感し、仲間と協働して取り組むことの大切さ、振り返りの重要性に気づいた点から、本活動に一定の効果を見出すことができた。一方で、教科の連携を深めるためにも総合的活動を実践する授業の開設、基礎技術を習得するための授業時間の確保と充実した内容の検討といった課題も見出された。, We will consider the lesson practice and student impressions up to the presentation of the creation of the work, which was carried out as part of the comprehensive activities related to the area "expression", based on the qualities required of future childcare workers, and discuss the effects and issues of this lesson content. The purpose was to use it as a material to find.The purpose was to use it as a material to find. Through these lesson collaborations and activities, it became clear that the students themselves realized the joy of expressing themselves, the importance of working in collaboration with their peers, and the deepening of learning from each other, and the activities in these classes. I was able to find the significance of doing so. On the other hand, certain issues were found such as opening lessons to practice comprehensive activities to deepen the cooperation of students, securing lesson times to acquire basic skills, examining substantial contents, and reconsidering presentation themes., 論文}, pages = {81--93}, title = {保育者養成課程における総合的な表現活動の試み 「表現」に関わる教科の連携と実践を通してその可能性を探る}, year = {2021}, yomi = {シオザキ, ミヅホ and オグチ, スグル and ハセガワ, キョウコ} }