@article{oai:akitan.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000102, author = {浅井, 拓久也 and Takuya, Asai}, issue = {37}, journal = {秋草学園短期大学紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究の目的は、地域子育て支援拠点の子育て支援と拠点に対する利用者ニーズの関係について検討するために、従事者による自己評価と利用者評価の差異を明らかにすることであった。Mann-Whitney の U 検定を行った結果、利用者より従事者の評価が高い質問項目は「地域の方々と連携や交流を図る活動が行われている」等の3つであること、また利用者の評価が高い質問項目は「子どもたちが遊びやすいように、遊具の配置やコーナー分けなどを工夫している」等の4つであることが明らかとなった。, This study aimed to identify some differences between center staffs’ assessment and users’ assessment to consider the relationship between childrearing supports in community childcare support centers and users’ needs. As the result of Mann-Whitney U test, it was shown that 7 items were statistically different by U-score: 3 items such as “you make some activities for the purpose of regional cooperation and exchange” were more highly rated by center staffs than by users, and 4 items such as “you improve the layouts of toys or spaces in centers from the viewpoints of children’s playing” were more highly rated by users., 論文}, pages = {15--28}, title = {地域子育て支援拠点における課題と展望 ー拠点従事者の自己評価と利用者評価の関係に着目してー}, year = {2021}, yomi = {アサイ, タクヤ} }